Тема: DVBDream
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Старый 04.10.2011, 22:30   #46
Аватар для oktagon
Регистрация: 02.06.2011
Ресивер: GI S8120 HD
Адрес: Кудыкины Горы
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DVB Dream v1.5g (04.10.2011)

What's New 

 * Now DD allows to save unlimited number of channels
 * Device dialog now lists the devices of the same interface
 * des.dll error fixed
 * Some critical crash/bug fixes
 * New channel list filter options "Found/Updated Recently"
 * Japanese EPG is supported now
 * Japanese language added
 * Now possible to change dvbdream taskbar icon to identify different DD installations on taskbar. (Settings->Preferences->Other->Application Taskbar Icon)
 * Now possible to use/share transponder INI file folders of other apps or DD installations (Settings->Preferences->PATHS)
 * new modules by X05: TSWriter2, RecentRecordings, RendererSwap
 * CHLTools module has been updated
 * New DD Module API Functions added, check the latest header files for more information.
 * *New TBS devices are supported
 * *StreamRecorder module is now replaced by TSWriter2
 * *For UK Freeview HD, Japanese pay TV and some other AAC channels you will need to install a compatible AAC codec and set it up in DVB Dream video configuration. MainConcept and DivX AAC codecs seem to work nice.

Последний раз редактировалось oktagon; 04.10.2011 в 23:09.
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