07.03.2009, 01:54
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DGS release r9047: ( 5/Mar/2009)
1. Added additional channel scan options for TV or Radio
2. Added repeat function in Video Player
3. Added navigation method for TTXT sub-channel
4. Display the summary when searching channel
5. Save the name of recorded file when user want to schedule in EPG
6. Fixed bug Toptext navigation with TTXT
7. Fixed bug which was CubeRevo always blocked when first boot After update
new software
8. Fixed bug which was CubeRevo-250HD and CubeRevo-mini were not updated
local timer after AC power off even with Automatic time setting
9. Fixed Alphacrypt German Language Encoding bug
10. Included some of the new plugins in CubeRevo SW version.
- Thanks as below developper for plugin.
They are arvy of Shoutcast, coOLOser and pacco of Favpip plug, kneubi of Bitrate plugin and mail,
dexter of Webepg and webepg_import, pippo9000 of epg9kdld, coOLOser of fps,
pong, sudoku, tetris, andd weather of Neumoteam.
11. Updated German language translated by Nilse
12. Removed subtitle language setting in Language Settings Menu
users control through subtitle option on RCU.
13. Modified pop up message 'Service is not available' disappears after 5~6
seconds automatically
14. Adjusted the position of Pillar box
15. Adjusted color table of DVB subtitle for some channels
1. Added Multi booting function
If you want to multi-boot, download usb_config.img in our homepage(www.dgstation.co.kr)
Then press number button on RCU which you want booting mode.
Multi-booting support as below. Official image is number 3.
1) boot from cdkroot
2) boot from USB with hdd
3) original images
4) boot from release
5) boot from USB without hdd
6) boot from SATA hdd
7) boot from flash
2. The Digifilm channel works in official CAM.
known issues : sync with audio and subtitle
artefact with premiere HD channels from satellite and cable