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Старый 27.10.2010, 14:52   #18
Регистрация: 25.11.2009
Ресивер: Dreambox-800HDSE
Адрес: Чукча
Сообщений: 428
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По умолчанию SifTeam-0.5.2-r13366 BlueMoon (FLASH-USB)

SifTeam-0.5.2-r13366 BlueMoon (FLASH-USB)

With the last image was an issue of 'compatibility' with the skin bluemoon
For the record ... when you try to read news via RSS-NEWS decoder was in panic, while the default skin is not the problem it is.
Well ... I have solved the problem of panic with rss-news now and then the skin is used BlueMoon
I have created, and then, a new version based on 9000HD 'last published by ngc1927 r13366 (which of course thank you)
These additional features:
· Default skin bluemoon
· New splash-screen (custom SifTeam ... done in 5 minutes, but I hope both of vs. Rating)
· Acting on default image I added the script and format_pendrive_sdb1_2_3_4 show_multiboot

This is the new splash screen that appears when loading the firmware





thanks to Spippolo
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