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Старый 01.08.2010, 17:34   #11
Регистрация: 25.11.2009
Ресивер: Dreambox-800HDSE
Адрес: Чукча
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По умолчанию Новые прошивки Cuberevo Series 1.0. r13059 version

Новые прошивки Cuberevo Series 1.0. r13059 version

См. http://www.dgstation.co.kr/new/cs_so...tegory=&page=1

Image version : r13059
DB version : r11421
1.Improve and fix bugs in Media list menu
(1). Support *.mkv file format in Video player
Recommended MKV file resolution is under or equal 720p
But normal avi file supports up to 1080i
(2). Support previous/next track in music files
(3). Support Multiple files editing function
2. Add Blind scan function for sharp tuner
3. Support EPG data store in HDD for back up, if no HDD, same method with previous
4. Add Channel list option as display simple, 1 Row, 2 Row
5. Fix some of other bugs

1. You had better backup the channel list using PC Editor before downloading the new images.
2. If your STB db version is an older version, you should download the image with usb_db.img like usb_kernel_root_db.img usb_nobbot.img.
If your STB db version is the same version, you can download the image without db.img like usb_kernel_root.img.
3. If AC power is unstable or disconnected while image downloading, pictures may not appear on the screen properly. In that case, you should make USB download mode once more and perform downloading the image again.
4. Please read the README file carefully before you start downloading.

Cuberevo : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip
Cuberevo-Mini : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip
Cuberevo-3000HD : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip
Cuberevo-250HD : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip
Cuberevo-7000HD : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip
Cuberevo-2000HD : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip
Cuberevo-200HD : ftp://dev.dgstation.co.kr/pub/cubere...all_noboot.zip

If you want multiboot function, download attached multiboot-XXXX.img.Then press number button which you want on RCU when start up from shutdown.Multiboot function supports as below style.
# 1 boot with CDKroot(NFS)
# 2 boot from USB memory stick, with internal HDD
# 3 original images as current flash memory
# 4 boot with NFS
# 5 boot from USB memory stick, but without internal HDD
# 6 boot from internal SATA HDD
# 7 boot from flash memory for another image

Default value : no.3
u-boot is attached as below.
Худайберды Амирдурдыев - брат Абдуллы

Последний раз редактировалось karea; 01.08.2010 в 17:51.
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