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Старый 20.07.2010, 07:53   #12
Регистрация: 25.11.2009
Ресивер: Dreambox-800HDSE
Адрес: Чукча
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По умолчанию Прошивка Sifteam r12947

Прошивка Sifteam r12947

This README is for CubeRevo HD model series.
This document was approved on 17/July/2010 by the Cuberevo-digital.
Cuberevo-digital release r12947: ( 17/July/2010)

1. OSD Improved

1. Back up your data of HDD
At first, you have to back up recorded file or photo, mp3 data from STB
before downloading this image if you need. This image is supported to something
different file format or data format compare with previous software image.
2. Format HDD
You should be format HDD after downloading completed this new image,
otherwise, it will be possible to malfunction about PVR, timeshift, mp3,photo album and so on

Known issues or to do list ;
1. Multiple files editing function in media list menu
at this moment, it is not supported to copy file on root on USB memory, you have to make a folder at USB memory
2. Move prev/next track in music files
3. Channel list option as 2 row, simple list
4. Expand photo album format such as bmp, png
5. Blind scan function for sharp tuner
6. EPG permenent storing in HDD
7. Enabling Media list menu without HDD

1. Prohibited to recording, and PIP function in Server box when Multiroom Service or Streaming Player is running.
and The boxes should have same FTP user ID/Password with server box and client box when you use Multiroom service function

2. ext3 file system is slower than ext2 normally.
If you will record two HD channels with ext3 at the same time, it may fail in record.

we have checked the speed as below
ext2 speed : approximately 7MB/s
ext3 speed : approximately 3MB/s

if you have other problem, please prompt reply as below email address.
e-mail : support@dgstation.co.kr

Thank you.

Худайберды Амирдурдыев - брат Абдуллы
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