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Старый 25.10.2009, 15:49   #12
Регистрация: 17.04.2007
Ресивер: ipbox 910hd-vu+ulitimo-vu+solo2
Адрес: moldova
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12ALI1974 на пути к лучшему
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NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board-IP Box 900 HD/IP Box 910 HD

vom 24.10.09

DGStation/Abcom CubeRevo Series


login: root
password: relook
Image release: NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board
visit us on http://www.nlb.to/board

Prepared by : No Limits Board
Release date : Oct 24, 2009

* updated - Based on DGStation SVN11102
* fixed DGS-dhcp-bug ... quick and dirty solution, but working ;-)
* emu - IncubusCamd 0.93
* emu - mbox 0.4 build 0023 (gbox support)
* emu - mgcamd 1.33 (starts by default)
* other - updated - streamtools
* webif - updated - dgs webif 1.4.03
* plugins - updated - favpip v2.3.0
* keyupdater included
* nlbpanel included
* and some other plugins :-)
* info: only cool-skin installed

Known bugs:
* rec and dolby led´s are always "on" ... this minor bug will solved soon

Some remarks:
* we ask you to not convert your old db.dat to use in this release ... also not by using new PCEditor 1.2.54
If you still want to use old db.dat rename it to db.dat.edited and copy it to /var folder and reboot ...
after reboot existing db.dat will be replaced with your db.dat.edited file

NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board-IP Box 900 HD
2009_10_24_nlb11102_900.img ( 23.78MB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 8

Many thanx to beta-forum_zer giopet
NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board-IP Box 910 HD
Angehängte Datei(en)
2009_10_24_nlb11102_910.img ( 23.78MB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 7
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