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Misua 25.09.2009 22:15

Имиджи Milo для Drembox HD
Automatic plugin install
LCD screen: Blinking R when recording, changed layout
EPG Search works for non-UTF8 encodings like Freesat
NETcaster that does not crash
Standard Dutch favourites list instead of German
Rearranged settings menu
Upgraded tuxtxt which enables teletext cache
Plugin download screen gets server list no more than once per hour
Symlinks in /var to satisfy some softcams
Driver updates for DM8000
Experimental switch to enable a "home page" service
MovieList enhancements: Auto-tagging, playback state icons (beta), directory selection
Picons can be downloaded from feed to CF, USB or HDD
Dutch translations
Downloadable skins
Mount manager
DVD player
Auto-recovers CCCam.cfg, .ssh dir and dropbear_rsa_key from /hdd/backup
Enigma2 (and other components) from 2009-09-11
CCcam 2.1.2
Freesat EPG
Mediahighway EPG
EPG import patch
NZBGet in feed (commandline, use "ipkg install nzbget")
ctorrent in feed (commandline)
djmount in feed (commandline)
Automated restore

To automatically populate some of your /etc folder, you can place extra files on the harddisk. Create /hdd/backup and /hdd/backup/enigma2, for example using mkdir -p /hdd/backup/enigma2. Copy /etc/enigma2/ to this directory, and they will be restored after installing a new MiLo image.
Automatic plugin install

Create a unix text file, /hdd/backup/autoinstall and put an ipkg package name on each line. You can get a list using ipkg list .... You may also specify file names. For example:
Note that you will need a working network at boot time for this to work, which probably means that you need a DHCP server.

Текущее время: 15:41. Часовой пояс GMT +3.

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