Форум VolSat

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SwiridenkoYura 27.12.2017 09:59

Эмулятор DVBDream PowerVU
Вложений: 1
PowerVU Emu V 2.9.1
– Fixed EcmCounter of channels with extra data byte.

sathex 11.03.2019 01:57

Вложений: 1
hi all,

V 3.8.0
- Added BeOutQ support.

V 3.7.1
- Improved Rosscrypt1's key detection.

V 3.7.0
- Added Rosscrypt1 (CA-ID=0xA101) support:
40.0E 3675 R 33483
53.0E 3675 R 33483
80.1E 10981 V 33483

P.S: you need to read... ReadMe :91:

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