Форум VolSat

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-   Image для AB IPBOX 9xxxHD (http://forum.volsat.com.ua/forumdisplay.php?f=185)
-   -   Имиджи от nlb для AB IPBOX 9000HD, 9x0HD, 91HD (http://forum.volsat.com.ua/showthread.php?t=1033)

Admin 04.12.2008 16:41

Имиджи от nlb для AB IPBOX 9000HD, 9x0HD, 91HD
Обсуждать сдесь что-либо запрещается!
Обсуждения ведутся в этой теме!

Admin 12.12.2008 09:40

Руссификатор Web Interface NLB IP900
Вложений: 1

Сообщение от w2000k
Русифицировал Web Interface NLB IP900

Подправил кодировки,перевёл пункты меню,немного изменил порядок меню (для удобства пользования) Короче смотрим

Если ,что не так, подправлю.

Необходимо закинуть папку VAR в (в корень) ФТП ://адрес тюнера/ (согласиться на замену,файлы уже переименнованны и разложенны по папкам)


Admin 14.12.2008 22:09

NLB 8611 v.1.21
login: root
password: relook
First time boot with Remote still not working, not fixed yet.. sorry!
Reboot at language screen and all is okay.


Prepared by : Dexter
Release date : December 10. 2008
* added: NFS mount replacement for HDD SD media recording folder
* --------: - can be enabled disabled under IP9000 -> change NFS/HDD media in webif.
* - Thanks to DGS for assistance on kernel fix.
* - HD Recordings works too, but will studder! so you are warned.
* fix: NFS mount on boxes without internal hdd.
* fix: Slow NFS mount fix (thanks to semack for the help).
* added: - delay option in panel for Nagra3 cards.
* added: - Germans with nagra card should use 20 seconds and it decodes at bootup
* added: ushare for sharing through UPnP protocol (like to PS3) Thanks to Kneubi
* -----: enable/disable/restart in Webif->system options
* added: Option to run boot scripts from /var/etc in hotfix situation.
* plugins: bitrate 0.0.2 and favpip 0.7 .
* updated: newcs.xml added boxkey code to support German NDS cards.
* updated: NL language files (Gman2006)
NLB8611 ver.1.21

Admin 26.01.2009 10:28

имиджи от nlb для AB IPBOX 9000HD, 900HD, 910HD, 91HD
AB IPBox 91HD = CubeRevo 250HD
софт от NLB

Admin 26.01.2009 10:33

имиджи от nlb для 9000HD
CubeRevo nlb svn8873 v1.27 for IP9000

Release date : January 22. 2009
* updated - SVN8873 official from DGStation.
* Added - newcs 1.65 with updated configs (added 357 mhz to all configs).
* Added - nlbpanel 1.41 - now option to install pack.tar.gz from /tmp in panel.
* plugins - updated bitrate 0.0.5, favpip 0.9.5
* skins - deepblue update 3.5 (new livebanner) Thanks to @Crash
* Fix - PANIC situation when DGS Webif is open on pc during bootup.
* Changed - HDD Format of ext2 formatted usb/harddrive even if it was ok.
* Updated - multiboot had some issue with usb sticks above 2GB.
* Updated - multiboot install now works on boxes where usb is mounted as harddrive.
* Fix - multiboot webif on port 81 was using old webif directory.
* Changed - ECM info in webif now showing correct info again.
* SVN --- - Recording problem with short HD recordings and 2hr stop fixed.
* - DVBSubtitles color fix.
* - Media player got FastForward/rewind on divx support now (not .VOB files).
* - EPG Contents display changes
* - blind scan - now default/advanced/reset scan.
* - OSD Teletext - some data not update occassionally.
* - Fixed local time auto update
* - updated Polish language table
* - WebIf updated

Admin 26.01.2009 10:44

имиджи от nlb для 910HD
CubeRevo nlb svn8873 v1.27 for IP910


Release date : January 22. 2009
* updated - SVN8873 official from DGStation.
* Added - newcs 1.65 with updated configs (added 357 mhz to all configs).
* Added - nlbpanel 1.41 - now option to install pack.tar.gz from /tmp in panel.
* plugins - updated bitrate 0.0.5, favpip 0.9.5
* skins - deepblue update 3.5 (new livebanner) Thanks to @Crash
* Fix - PANIC situation when DGS Webif is open on pc during bootup.
* Changed - HDD Format of ext2 formatted usb/harddrive even if it was ok.
* Updated - multiboot had some issue with usb sticks above 2GB.
* Updated - multiboot install now works on boxes where usb is mounted as harddrive.
* Fix - multiboot webif on port 81 was using old webif directory.
* Changed - ECM info in webif now showing correct info again.
* SVN --- - Recording problem with short HD recordings and 2hr stop fixed.
* - DVBSubtitles color fix.
* - Media player got FastForward/rewind on divx support now (not .VOB files).
* - EPG Contents display changes
* - blind scan - now default/advanced/reset scan.
* - OSD Teletext - some data not update occassionally.
* - Fixed local time auto update
* - updated Polish language table
* - WebIf updated

Admin 07.03.2009 23:35

9047 от nlb
DGStation/Abcom CubeRevo Series nlb svn9047(binaries) v1.29
Unofficial Custom release - no limits board --> http://www.nlb.to
login: root
password: relook



Prepared by : Dexter
Release date : March 7. 2009
* updated - SVN9047+ sbox+skin binaries +po files only.
* plugins - updated favpip 2.1.0
* plugins - updated hddtemp 0.0.7
* plugins - all default in /var/plug-in again.
* emu - mbox 0.4 beta 0023
* webif - emu and newcs selection made simpler.
* skins - deepblue and grey updated.
* emu - EVOCAMD is no longer included in NLB image, no support for it.
* cardreader- DGS Release had problems with Nagra3 cards. this one works ok.
* DGS webif - updated Geckow webif to 1.3.1 (07.03.2009)

Admin 06.04.2009 14:49

NLB9207 for all abcom HD boxes
NLB9207 for all abcom HD boxes


Admin 04.05.2009 00:25

NLB9341 for all 91/900/910Image release: NLB-9341-v1.320


Prepared by : Dexter
Release date : May 3. 2009
* updated - Based on DGStation SVN9341
* emu - updated - Hypercam 1.03
* emu - updated - IncubugCamd 0.82
* emu - updated - mbox 0.5 Build 08
* carddriver- updated pacco carddriver 090502.
* skins - deepblue, grey and blue updated to r9341.
* plugins - updated - favpip v2.1.1
* plugins - updated - bitrate 0.0.6
* plugins - fancontrol 0.1 (change config to /var/etc/fancontrol.config to activate)
* newcs - removed cardlevel from all config files. (seems to cause problems)

Admin 23.06.2009 09:44

DGStation/Abcom CubeRevo Series nlb svn9580
Unofficial Custom release - no limits board --> http://www.nlb.to/board


login: root
password: relook

Image release: NLB-9580

Prepared by : Rainman
Release date : June 18. 2009

* updated - Based on DGStation SVN9580
* emu - updated - IncubusCamd 0.85
* emu - updated - mbox 0.6 Build 0006
* skins - only original skin, other skins removed ...only "cool"-skin working !
* satangels keyupdater included

Thanx to my friend Dexter for getting me started in building images !
Thanx also to all the beta-testers, especially to Minicat for testing my very first beta :cheesy


Admin 31.08.2009 14:25


Prepared by : Rainman
Release date : Aug 29. 2009

* updated - Based on DGStation SVN10513
* emu - updated - mgcamd 1.33
* emu - updated - IncubusCamd 0.92
* emu - removed - hypercamd
* emu - mbox 0.4 build 0022 with gbox-support inserted
* other - updated - streamtools
* webif - updated - dgs webif 1.38
* skins - removed old grey blue skins
* keyupdater included

* many thanx to lareq for the good cooperation in changing scripts and building images
* thanx to giopet aud stauffie for being beta-testers

Скачать для 900 HD
Скачать для 910 HD

12ALI1974 25.10.2009 15:49

NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board-IP Box 900 HD/IP Box 910 HD

vom 24.10.09

DGStation/Abcom CubeRevo Series


login: root
password: relook
Image release: NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board
visit us on http://www.nlb.to/board

Prepared by : No Limits Board
Release date : Oct 24, 2009

* updated - Based on DGStation SVN11102
* fixed DGS-dhcp-bug ... quick and dirty solution, but working ;-)
* emu - IncubusCamd 0.93
* emu - mbox 0.4 build 0023 (gbox support)
* emu - mgcamd 1.33 (starts by default)
* other - updated - streamtools
* webif - updated - dgs webif 1.4.03
* plugins - updated - favpip v2.3.0
* keyupdater included
* nlbpanel included
* and some other plugins :-)
* info: only cool-skin installed

Known bugs:
* rec and dolby led´s are always "on" ... this minor bug will solved soon

Some remarks:
* we ask you to not convert your old db.dat to use in this release ... also not by using new PCEditor 1.2.54
If you still want to use old db.dat rename it to db.dat.edited and copy it to /var folder and reboot ...
after reboot existing db.dat will be replaced with your db.dat.edited file

NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board-IP Box 900 HD
2009_10_24_nlb11102_900.img ( 23.78MB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 8

Many thanx to beta-forum_zer giopet
NLB-11102-v1.51 No Limits Board-IP Box 910 HD
Angehängte Datei(en)
2009_10_24_nlb11102_910.img ( 23.78MB ) Anzahl der Downloads: 7

Valeks55 10.05.2016 06:37

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